Homeowners Insurance

All you Need to Know about Homeowners Insurance Policy

Homeowners insurance policy is generally designed to provide protection to your residence against perils. Perils are defined as exposure to any form of risk, or anything that can cause destruction or losses in your residence. Home insurance policies come in different forms, each covering a different aspect of the home.

Who It Is For

A homeowners insurance policy is meant for a homeowner who would like to protect the belongings and home structure in case a destructive event like a fire does arise. Additionally, these policies are considered to be package policies. A package policy is a policy that not only covers damage to your belongings and property but covers your personal liability as well. Personal liability covers any property damage or injuries to others caused by members of your family, you, or even your pet.

How It Works

You need to learn about your liability limit when buying your home insurance. The liability limit will determine the total amount of coverage you will get in case something was to happen to your residence. Many limits begin at $100,000.

This limit is the true reflection of how much coverage your home has received. Additional structures like your garage will be receive a cover of 10 percent of this amount. Personal belongings receive coverage of between 50 and 70 percent. Living away expenses, in case you need to vacate the residence stands at around 20 percent of total home liability limit.

Different Types of Coverage in Existence

The types of coverage in the policy include:

Coverage A: Damage to your house
Coverage B: additional structures like the garage
Coverage C: covers personal property, e.g., household contents
Coverage D: additional living expenses in case you need to leave the house
Coverage E: Comprehensive personal liability meant to protect you against any claims that may arise from property that you own or rent.
Coverage F: Medical expenses for injuries that have been sustained within your premises
Major Benefits

The biggest benefit that comes with having an insurance policy for your home is knowing that your investment is well protected. When you have a good policy, you will not have to worry about the residence getting damaged, and you lacking funds to repair it. Even though the policy will not cover everything, it greatly reduces your financial burden.
